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Salaries in IT industry in Poland - 2020

Check salaries in the IT industry, based on the analysis of job offers published by 3 151 employers.
IT Market Snapshot 2020

Recruitment platform directly connecting over 35 000 experienced tech candidates with best tech companies.

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Is your salary competitive?

  • The report is based on an analysis of 11 271 IT job offers from 3 151 employers
  • What technologies pay the best?
  • The data comes from real job offers, not from anonymous surveys
  • Do big companies offer better salaries?
  • Division into roles, cities, experience
Michał Gąszczyk

We are already in the fifth edition of our IT Market Snapshot report. We have based the previous editions on precisely the same data sources, that is why this time we decided to aggregate all the other editions and demonstrate how the situation in the IT market has changed throughout 2020!

In this report, you will see how trends have been shaping for different locations, technologies and candidate seniority. You will also find commentaries from representatives of companies that have successfully recruited hundreds of candidates in 2020. Obviously, the impact of COVID-19 on the recruitment market will also be discussed.

It is with pride that I am presenting you these 90 pages full of valuable data about the IT sector!

IT Market Snapshot 2020
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