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Salaries in the tech industry in Poland – 2022

What were the salaries of tech specialists and trends in job ads in 2022? Download the latest Tech Market Snapshot report from inhire.
IT Market Snapshot 2022

Check salaries in tech!

The report is based on an analysis of 23 475 IT job ads from 3 218 employers
The data comes from real job ads, not from anonymous surveys
The highest paid technologies
Division into roles, cities, experience
Michał Gąszczyk


2022 was definitely a challenging year – the war behind the border, the increasing inflation rate, and the global economic crisis are only the crucial of the factors that have caused an economic turmoil spilling over into the tech sector. If anything, it has made me even more curious of the numbers that were going to emerge from our report. The last quarter of 2022 saw a major decline of many indicators, e.g. a decline in the number of companies publishing job posts, the number of published job posts or the number of job posts including salary ranges.

We all read headlines about headcount reduction in Poland and abroad. As far as the applications of tech candidates are concerned, our platform recorded a record-breaking number of those in the final quarter of 2022 and, to my knowledge, the entire market experienced a surge of a similar scale. It is justified to assume that the employees who felt insecure in their current roles might have wanted to participate in recruitment processes of other companies as a hedge against losing their current job.

Interestingly enough, the number of job posts with salary ranges, as well as those offering remote work, decreased at the end of 2022. One reason for that might be the fact that smaller companies with less stable cashflow, who are usually transparent about salary ranges, were first to limit recruitment, resulting in a lowered ratio of job posts including salary ranges to the overall number of all job posts, globally. In the report you will also find a comparison of salaries at the end of 2022 with those at the end of 2021. It is rather unsurprising that, year to year, the increases were impressive, reaching as much as +35% in the case of some technologies!

What will 2023 bring? It is difficult to predict, but we will monitor it and report on our findings!

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IT Market Snapshot 2022
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