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Salaries in the tech industry in Poland - Q2 2022

Check salaries in the tech industry, based on the analysis of job ads published by 3 915 employers.
IT Market Snapshot Q2 2022

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Is your salary competitive?

  • The report is based on an analysis of 26 419 IT job ads from 3 915 employers
  • What technologies pay the best?
  • The data comes from real job offers, not from anonymous surveys
  • Division into roles, cities, experience
Michał Gąszczyk


You are looking at the summary of Q2 2022 in the tech industry.

Although the majority of employers might have hoped that salaries of tech specialists would stop increasing, they could not have been more mistaken. Juniors, mids and seniors alike could expect higher salaries in Q2. What is more, salaries increased for all programming languages analysed in the report.

On the other hand, the rate of all job posts published in the tech category has decreased significantly. This trend might continue in Q3 as it is predominantly a holiday season.

In this edition of the report we also wanted to determine which roles were prioritized by companies. The podium was shared by Backend and Frontend Developers as well as Devops Engineers, all three constituting the foundation of each organisation.

Furthermore, as remote work in the tech sector is gaining popularity, both in Poland and in the world, we decided to broadly analyse the phenomenon of Polish tech specialists being employed by foreign companies. One is certain after the conducted research – competition is intensifying, although remote work remains to amount to a fraction of the entire labour market.

We hope this publication will help you optimise your recruitment strategy for the incoming quarters.

Enjoy the reading!

PS. If you want to be updated with salaries in tech - check out our Salary calculator

IT Market Snapshot Q2 2022
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