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Salaries in the tech industry in Poland - Q1 2022

Check salaries in the tech industry, based on the analysis of job ads published by 3 968 employers.
IT Market Snapshot Q1 2022

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Is your salary competitive?

  • The report is based on an analysis of 26 121 IT job ads from 3 968 employers
  • What technologies pay the best?
  • The data comes from real job offers, not from anonymous surveys
  • Do big companies offer better salaries?
  • Division into roles, cities, experience
Michał Gąszczyk


You are about to read an Tech Market Snapshot summarising the first quarter of 2022.

Although a lot happened in the first quarter that might directly influence the labour market (the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the Polish New Deal, the inflation rate), the aggregated data are far from revolutionary. Salaries are still on the rise and the report addressed the question of what kind of remote work is most beneficial to tech specialists as it is even more popular than in the previously analysed, all in all record-breaking, quarter. The number of tech job ads is constantly growing and differences in salaries between large and small cities are disappearing.

In the analysed quarter 3,968 employers (8% more than in the previous quarter) published 26,121 job posts (a 10% increase comparing to the end of 2021), which might be related to publishing Spring job ads directed to interns and the opening of new companies in Poland.

In this edition we have also presented data on salaries in the category of cyber security, as demand for this specialisation has been steadily growing, just as salaries.

In view of the above, how should you approach recruitment in tech this year?

You should definitely follow the market trend. Publishing market salary ranges, a possibility of remote work or a few options of the form of cooperation to choose from still play a significant role in recruitment in IT. If, additionally, a recruitment process is quick and a candidate receives feedback, it might well be the key to increasing the effectiveness of recruitment processes in many organisations.

I believe that recruitment in tech will be more challenging than ever for those companies whose management boards do not support recruitment departments in the process of drafting an attractive job ad for candidates.

If you want to learn more about the current situation in the tech labour market, reading our report is a way to do it :)

PS. If you want to be updated with salaries in tech - check out our Salary calculator

IT Market Snapshot Q3 2020
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