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IT Salaries in Poland 2023:
Annual Summary of Salaries and Trends

Check salaries in the tech industry, based on the analysis of 85 359 job ads published by 7 257 employers.
IT Market Snapshot 2023

Check salaries in the tech industry!

The report is based on the analysis of 85 359 IT job ads from 7 257 employers
The data comes from real job ads, not from anonymous surveys
The highest paid technologies, including those related to artificial intelligence (AI)
Division into roles, cities and experience
Michał Gąszczyk


For quite a few of you, 2023 will likely be remembered as a tough year for the tech sector. It brought challenges for both job seekers and tech companies alike, entailing layoffs on one front and crisis management from the perspective of employers on the other.

Our quarterly reports for 2023 consistently reinforced what we were already hearing: job ads were predominantly published by larger employers, while smaller software houses and startups notably scaled back their hiring plans and growth projections.

The period spanning the end of the first quarter and the beginning of second quarter emerged as a significant turning point. Initially, we witnessed a surprisingly high number of job ads, particularly for experienced professionals, followed by a significant slowdown. Importantly, however, we should acknowledge certain anomalies like duplicate ads (job ads labeled as “remote” showed up as on-site in several locations at the same time), which may have led to an artificially boosted count of job postings.

The trends are evident in our report, particularly in the charts for Q2, Q3, and Q4, where we observed declines followed by stabilization in both job ads and the corresponding number of employers:

  • Tech job ads remained consistently in the range of 18,000 to 19,000.
  • The number of employers posting ads fluctuated between 2,700 and 3,000.

Importantly, we need to emphasize that continuous growth in the tech sector has become a thing of the past, and we currently lack clarity on when it might return.

Delving into our report, you’ll find a thorough examination of the shifts and trends within the tech job market, including the proportions of job ads featuring salary ranges and those for remote jobs. Other key highlights include changes in the ads for part-time jobs and an in-depth analysis of salaries based on experience levels:

  • The percentage of ads offering remote jobs decreased from 70% in Q1 to 63% in Q4.
  • Salary ranges were specified in 41% of job ads during Q1, with a noticeable dip in Q2 and Q3 (36%), followed by a surprising uptick to 42% in Q4.
  • Part-time job ads, accounting for 2.6% of all job ads in Q1, virtually disappeared, dwindling to 0.1–0.2% in Q4.

We will remember 2023 also as a year shaped by artificial intelligence.

Breaking new ground in our IT Market Snapshot reports, we’ve introduced dedicated sections with charts illustrating the share of AI job ads in all job ads, as well as the most sought-after and highest-paying AI technologies.

If you’re interested in a more detailed look at the salaries of tech professionals in Poland, considering factors like role, programming language, city, and experience, I invite you to delve into the content of this report.

Enjoy your reading, and best wishes for the New Year!

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IT Market Snapshot 2023
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