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Salaries in the tech industry in Poland – Q2 2023

Check salaries in the tech industry, based on the analysis of job ads published by 2 680 employers.
IT Market Snapshot Q2 2023

Check salaries in the tech industry!

The report is based on the analysis of 18 837 IT job ads from 2 680 employers
The data comes from real job ads, not from anonymous surveys
The highest paid technologies
Division into roles, cities and experience
Michał Gąszczyk


You are about to read an IT Market Snapshot summarising the second quarter of 2023.

Since the year began, the labour market has been mired in uncertainty, suspended recruitment processes or layoffs. However, the analysis of data from the previous quarter seemed to suggest that the number of job ads in the tech sector is, surprisingly, increasing. We tried to explain this phenomenon in the introduction to the previous edition of the report. The inconsistency that we reported in Q1 2023 stemmed from the fact that many job boards advertised the same remote position in a number of different cities, distorting the actual number of job ads. In Q2 2023, job boards abandoned this practice and pictured a more accurate image of the current labour market.

According to our analysis:

  • The number of job ads has decreased by staggering 43%.
  • The number of employers publishing job ads has dropped by 27%.

It is equally important to acknowledge a decrease in the number of job ads including salary ranges. Comparing to the previous quarter, their number has dwindled from 41% to 36%. Based on our experience and market research, it is highly probable that this is related to the category of companies that are currently recruiting. At the moment, most job ads are published by major organizations that are much less likely to provide transparent information on the salaries that they offer.

One should also bear in mind the changing trends in remote work. For starters, the number of job ads offering remote work has decreased by 2 p.p. comparing to the previous quarter. Secondly, working on-site is currently more profitable for juniors, whereas the gap between salaries of mids and seniors working on-site and their colleagues working remotely is slowly bridging.

Does this herald the end of remote work? I would not venture such a bold statement, but this phenomenon deserves increased attention, as it might influence the situation of companies and candidates alike.

You will find more interesting information, including the most profitable technologies and salaries in particular cities, in this edition of IT Market Snapshot.

Enjoy the reading!

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IT Market Snapshot Q2 2023
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