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Salaries in the tech industry in Poland – Q3 2023

Check salaries in the tech industry, based on the analysis of job ads published by 3 028 employers.
IT Market Snapshot Q3 2023

Check salaries in the tech industry!

The report is based on the analysis of 17 976 IT job ads from 3 028 employers
The data comes from real job ads, not from anonymous surveys
The highest paid technologies
Division into roles, cities and experience
Michał Gąszczyk


You are about to read the 3rd edition of IT Market Snapshot in 2023.

In April, when the report for Q1 was published, we came across surprising data on the increase in the number of job ads that coincided with information on suspended recruitment processes or even layoffs. The following quarter seemed to corroborate our suspicions that it was due to falsely duplicated job ads, as their number has dropped by staggering 43%. Today, having analysed data for Q3, we know our assumptions were correct. At the moment, the number of job ads is similar to what it was 3 months ago, amounting to around18 000.

Despite that, the number of companies publishing job ads is on the rise (+13%). This trend resembles times when covid hit. Only 2,431 companies published job ads in Q2 2020, but this number grew to 2,979 in Q3 of the same year. Now, we are witnessing an increase from 2,680 to 3,028. Could that suggest that some companies are getting used to the crisis, prompting the market to revive? There is not a clear-cut answer to this question, but we will certainly keep an eye on this feature of the market in the final quarter of the year.

Recently, it has also seemed that a growing number of organisations are trying to bring their employees back to the office. However, this has not been reflected in the trends that we have analysed. Still, the percentage of job ads offering remote work amounts to 68% of all job ads.

One could be tempted to conclude that job postings are published predominantly by large organisations. They, in turn, are rarely transparent about the salary ranges that they offer, as the percentage of job ads including salary ranges stands at mere 36%.

What has changed is the type of work offered to juniors. Similarly to mids and seniors, remote work opportunities proved more beneficial in Q3 when compared to Q2. In the case of mids, the difference between salaries offered for remote work and on-site work has changed a lot, with the first option being much more lucrative. It has remained unchanged in the case of seniors.

We were surprised by the ranking of top 4 most lucrative cities to work in. In the last quarter, the podium was taken by Szczecin, Białystok and Rzeszów, followed by Łódź, respectively. Following a more thorough analysis of the available data, we have concluded that this was due to the fact that some companies published job ads in a few locations, even though they did not operate an office there. As a result, well-paid “remote” positions inflate the average salary ranges in smaller cities (where fewer job ads are published), but do not have much effect on the salary ranges in larger cities like Warsaw, where the biggest number of job ads are published.

You will find more interesting information, including the most profitable technologies and salaries for particular roles, divided by cities, in this edition of IT Market Snapshot.

Enjoy the reading!

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IT Market Snapshot Q3 2023
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