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Procedures for Recruiting IT Specialists from Abroad: the Best Ways to Hire Foreign Employees

Job in Tech
Recruitment and HR in Tech

The unquestionable advantage of today’s labor market for tech companies is the possibility to search and draw from the world’s talent pool. Hiring software engineers from other countries has never been easier. For companies that have not considered IT recruitment in Poland yet, we present the pros and cons of employing international employees, whether remotely or on-site, and what factors to consider when searching for talented specialists in this part of Europe. Let’s start!

Hiring international IT employees

Hiring foreign workers is a widespread practice, as modern technologies allow companies to achieve high work efficiency while cooperating with remote employees from all around the globe. The possibility of acquiring more talented and experienced software engineers than those on the domestic market significantly reduces costs and boosts the company’s development and its competitive advantage.

So, looking for IT specialists in Central and Eastern Europe is an excellent business strategy. Many countries from this region implement education and development programs for talented individuals to increase the number of qualified personnel, especially in the tech industry. So, why is Poland one of the best places to look for new talents?

Benefits of hiring software engineers from Poland

Digitalization remains one of the key priorities of the Polish government, along with simplifying legislation and improving the quality of regulations to support the business environment. According to The Digital Economy and Society Index, Poland is catching up fast with the rest of Europe in terms of digitalization and relative progress.

The Digital Competence Development Programme has been implemented in Poland since 2020. It aims at supporting the development of digital skills on all advancement levels. This includes, among others, skills needed to work with key emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence, cybersecurity, cloud and data. Development of such competencies is possible through various initiatives and actions, such as:

  • National Integrated Qualifications System for IT technicians, programmers, developers and supporting staff.

  • The Academy of Innovative Applications of Digital Technologies ‘AI Tech’ supporting the growth of advanced digital competencies in emerging technologies.

  • IT Talent Development Programme 2019-2029 supporting youth’s mathematics and IT development.

The second goal of the program is to foster a collaborative environment to nurture ICT professionals’ development further. 

That translates into results; Polish specialists are one of the most frequently sought-after and employed by foreign companies. This is due to having very strong qualities:

  • Talent and technical acumen, which often elevates Polish individuals to the rank of world-class specialists. The example might be Tomasz Czajka who worked on the SpaceX Falcon Heavy project, or Marcin Kamiński, Senior Search Site Reliability Engineer at Google,

  • lots of technical and business experience, which is the foundation for the development of profitable, well-known Polish IT companies and software houses, such as Future Processing, Asseco Poland or Comarch,

  • location – Poland’s strategic location in the Central European time zone allows for smoother management of work and meetings than teams located in countries such as India or China,

  • excellent English proficiency, which makes communication with Polish employees seamless.

Legal procedures for hiring software engineers from abroad

It is crucial to be aware of labor market trends and regulations. For the most frequently chosen option, remote employment, an international employment contract is an essential foundation of cooperation between an employer residing in one country and an employee living in another. It must comply with the employee’s local employment labor laws and tax regulations, as the employer’s country laws do not apply in that case.

However, there is a better and easier solution – signing a B2B contract instead of an international employment contract. Although an employee needs to be a sole trader in that case, it also provides much more flexibility, which can benefit both the employer and the employee. The employee takes care of his own settlements in the country of tax residence. He is also not obliged to perform work in a specific place and time.

Of course, it is also possible to relocate employees to the company’s country. In that case, an international contract isn’t required as their income becomes locally sourced and subject to the country’s taxes. On the other hand – international workers usually need more support in relocation and onboarding than with remote employment. They also need to be insured and may need a passport, work visa or permit. The amount of the documents required to prepare significantly complicates the whole process. That’s why the majority of companies typically go for remote cooperation.

Preparing the correct contract, both in the case of remote and local employment, is vital as it:

  • Helps resolve disputes,

  • helps comply with nuanced laws,

  • is required by local laws.

However, remote recruitment is a tedious process. It’s tough to source candidates living in a different timezone and to be familiar with the regulations, trends, and preferences of the employees in the foreign labor market. 

Alternatively, you can outsource the process to agencies specialized in talent acquisition for international companies. Local footholds can help you speed up the processes of hiring, onboarding, and managing human resources. Employees sign a localized contract with the agency, and it is their responsibility to handle benefits, taxes, and fees by local law. What can you do to smooth both hiring processes by yourself or with the help of a hiring agency?


Tips for recruiting internationally

Working with an international company is perceived as an attractive opportunity for higher earnings and more interesting career development opportunities in Central and Eastern Europe. Suppose your company wants to attract specialists from this region of the world. In that case, it’s worth referring to the benefits of cooperation with a given company. Emphasizing the fulfillment of the basic requirements of work ethics and answering employee needs is important too.

Polish specialists are open to working remotely or even relocating due to the following:

  • curiosity

  • drive for personal development

  • better job and salary prospects

  • excellent work culture and ethics

  • good relations in the team

  • less stress

  • effective and friendly company and team management.

Including detailed information related to those values in the job advertisement and presenting the company’s authenticity during meetings boosts the effectiveness of the search for international employees.

Now, let’s get down to the details – where to advertise and look for employees or agencies that can support you in hiring software engineers from other countries?


Where to look for IT professionals to employ?

There are plenty of portals helping companies search for employees, who often help deal with all country-specific legal issues and processes. As an IT recruitment agency with a recognizable and proven brand, we are capable of supporting you in:

  • Active creation and promotion of your employer’s brand,

  • reaching only IT specialists perfectly tailored to your needs,

  • providing you with only experienced and verified candidates.

Would you like to learn more about finding the best tech candidates? Check out our article on recruitment sourcing strategies!

If you’re currently looking for a reliable partner who will support you in your search for top-class software engineers – feel free to contact us. At inhire, we will provide you with the best candidates from European locations ready to get involved in your process.  :point_right: Let’s talk.