The fastest way to deliver
your jobs to matched
#1 job matching platform in Poland
Get your job openings delivered directly
to a curated pool of Europe's top tech talents without manual search
200 000+
our network of tech
candidates we can reach
Trusted by:
How it works
Specify exactly who
you are looking for
We deliver your jobs
directly to candidates
matching your criteria
We will notify you
when they accept
The fastest and most efficient way to
reach experienced tech candidates
Get your jobs delivered to matched candidates without manual sourcing
the average number of matched
candidates receiving your job
directly on their email
of candidates applying via inhire
are invited to recruitment
processes by our clients
we will deliver your job to all
matching candidates almost
Our secret source:
curated talent pool
Mids and seniors make
up 83% of our
candidate pool
Save your time and view only quality
Only candidates with commercial experience or a technical degree
To apply via inhire, candidates have to be verified
and whitelisted by our internal team.
We support recruiting for
all technical roles
Tell us exactly what skills you are looking for, and
we will help you find the right candidates.
Supporting your every step
Support from
Our experienced recruiters from
Customer Success Team will help
you create job ads that attract the
right candidates.
No more
We will support you in your
two-way communication with
candidates so you will never be
ghosted again.
Boosting your
We send jobs to candidates and
additionally promote them with the
help of the Talent Advocate team,
which supports candidates at inhire.
Let the candidates get to know you!
Take care of your Employer Branding and set up an employer profile on inhire.
All the necessary information about your company in one place!
- Project details
- Employee recommendations
- About company
- Recruitment process
- Benefits
- Recruiters
- Social media
- Technical team
- Other teams
- Office locations
- Employee interviews
- Photos, videos
We are integrated with the most
popular ATS systems
If you don't have an ATS, you can manage candidates directly on inhire.