Adding hiring managers to the list

You can add a new hiring manager to the list from within a candidate’s card at any given moment:

Table view: 

Click “Show profile”:

Board view

Click the “Open” button:


The “CVs” tab will appear in the panel on the left. After clicking on it, you will go to the candidate’s profile.


Adding new hiring manager

In the candidate’s profile, click the “Share Candidate” button at the top of the page. Then, click the “Add hiring manager” button.


Then, enter the name and email address of the hiring manager. Make sure to save everything.


The hiring manager’s name you entered will appear in the list. Select the hiring manager you would like to add, then click “Add hiring manager”.


You can also add a new hiring manager when you are logged-in in the app:


Click on your profile icon in the upper right corner. And then select “Settings”.

Go to “Hiring managers”:


Then click the “Add hiring manager” button in the upper right corner.


Enter the name and email address of the hiring manager and click “Save”.