is an automated sourcing platform for recruiting tech talents, reaching out directly to thousands of vetted candidates.
Integration of Lever Recruiting with allows getting candidates sourced with the use of inhire platform directly into your Lever ATS instance.
It also makes it possible to synchronize the candidate stages – every change of the candidate stages on Lever will be changed for corresponding candidates on inhire platform.
In this article, you’ll find out how to:
- Set up the integration of inhire with Lever
- Synchronize the candidate stages
- Bind inhire recruitment process with the Lever recruitment process
- Additional help
Set up the integration with Lever
1. Log in as admin into your inhire account and go to the Settings.
2. Next, choose Integrations and select Lever by clicking the button:
4. Log in with your Lever credentials:
5. Review requested access permissions. Then, click Accept to be redirected to inhire platform:
6. Change the Consent template if needed:
Synchronization of the candidate stages
You can use this option to enable the synchronization of candidate stages on Lever with corresponding candidates on
1. To turn on the synchronization of stages, click the button:
2. As a result, all the stages defined by the company in Lever will be downloaded.
Then, assign each stage from Lever to the corresponding stage on the inhire platform. When saving, make sure all the stages are assigned.
Currently, stage synchronization is carried out once a day around 5:00 PM.
Important: The mapping of the candidate stages is only possible in the context of applications made by candidates after synchronization has been implemented.
We don’t synchronize application stages that were received by the client before implementing this functionality.
Bind Inhire Recruitment process with the Lever Recruitment Process
Now it is time to bind your process on inhire platform with the corresponding recruitment process on your Lever ATS.
Suppose that you want the candidates applying to your recruitment process for Senior ML Engineer defined on inhire to be sent via API to your recruitment process for Machine Learning Engineer defined on Lever:
Senior ML Engineer (inhire) -> Machine Learning Engineer (Lever)
1. Go to the Processes section on inhire and click on the three vertical dots button. Choose the Edit option from the menu:
2. Scroll down and enable the option: Integrate with ATS (Lever):
3. After clicking on the list, choose the corresponding recruitment process retrieved from your Lever instance.
4. In order to test integration, click TEST INTEGRATION (1). Inhire will insert a test candidate to your Lever recruitment process (2). Then, click PROCESS CUSTOMIZATION:
- Click Process Preview button.
- Click Save to save your integration in the database.
Important: Keep in mind that you need to repeat this procedure for all the processes you would like to bind.
Additional help
Please contact [email protected] or your Inhire Customer Success Manager for troubleshooting assistance regarding this integration.